Sonali Public Higher Secondary School

(Affiliated to CBSE Bharat) CBSE Affiliation No.1031132


Principal’s Desk

“A dream written down with a date becomes a goal; a goal broken down into steps, becomes a plan, and a plan backed by action makes your dream comes true.”

During the format vie years of a child, the world of parents and world of teachers have a great influence on the personality attitude behavior and mental development of a child. For a balanced personality development of the child these two worlds should be supportive and similar in expectation upheld, opportunities provided and guidance given.

Sonali Public Hr.Sec.School believes in a culture of excellence in all aspects of education. True education is training of the head, the hand and the heart. So we strive to prepare students not only for examination but for life, without losing their areas of specialization and competence. We recognize their limitations but focus on their strengths with experienced and dedicated teachers and excellent infrastructure: Our school is centre of excellence in all earning areas. The most beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.

Welcome to Sonali Public School. We congratulate you for taking the first step to the path of your dreams which leads to success.



Sonali Public School
Guna   M.P.  India